Altivolus 2017

The first Intramurals of Notre Dame of Kidapawan College Senior High School grade 11 and grade 12 students unite. Students united as one team to achieve one goal in this events. The goal is not only to win the name Champion but also to build the friendship to one another and that's the big achievement we had during intramurals days. Every each team are helping one another supported by their own moderators. First day in night, the activity was team haka and cheerdance, followed by the sports (indoor and outdoor), team ball room and pop dance competition, Mr. and Ms. Altivolus 2k17 and lastly the awarding. 


In this year intramurals was very memorable . It is fun to be with my team mates. We build friendship. It is nice to met other people and became your friends. I am happy that I witness this kind of activity. If you or your team lose doesn't matter, the more important is you enjoy every game and end it happily. At least you know to yourself you did all your best not just for yourself but to all the member of your team mates. 

Mr. and Ms. Altivolus 2k17

Image may contain: one or more people, people playing sport and outdoor   Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor


Image may contain: one or more people and indoor  Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling
                    Cheerdance                                                                    Pop Dance 

Credits: Josef Zamora
             Geniza Dasoc


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