Para sa mga Bitter diyan!

Drama You Can Relate If You're Not Crazy About Love!

Yes, we've heard what others have said until today - how beautiful love is and all that crap. They have been telling us how awesome being in love is, thousands of fun activities you can do with a great partner, and that being alone sucks. However, it is now time for us, the people who love being alone, to talk. 
Here are the nice things only people like you, who love being alone, can understand:

The question "Why are you single?" pisses you off a lot.

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You are sick and tired of this question, and when they add "But you are a very good looking woman/man" at the end of this shitty question, it gets even worse. They suck the life out of you. You wish that these people would die somewhere far away from you, silently.

The people who have a lovey dovey profile picture with their significant other on social media are, in your eyes, just hopeless cases.

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These people are the most hopeless ones of their species. Even if you tell them how funny it looks from outside, nothing will change. You also can't say it because they will resent you.

When your friends want to hook you up with somebody, you just kindly reject and thank them.

At the beginning, you were getting angry with them and you didn't understand why the hell they would offer something like this. You saw that they pitied you on their faces. After a while, you reached the point where you said "Stop asking me such things! Seriously!" but again, they didn't understand you. Now you think that they will never understand the connection you have with being alone and just kindly reject and thank them.

You don't get excited to see that "someone".

You don't get excited to see that "someone".

Life is always at its usual. Neither a very beloved person, nor a life partner worth dying for will change anything. You know this too well. You, of course, have short-term crushes, but you never get crazily excited to see someone.

Hugging, cuddling, kissing, holding hands, etc seem to be very meaningless to you.

You just don't get the people who do this. Everywhere they go, whatever they do, they are always in physical contact. Especially during the hot summer days, it gets even sadder. Not liking this thing, which not only limits your freedom but also seem suffocating, is a good enough reason to be single.

It is more important for you to be successful than to be in love

It is more important for you to be successful than to be in love

Because you only live once and you think that you should do your best to reach the most meaningful point in your life. Wasting your best years with the drama of love while you can be a successful person seems repellent to you, because you are a smart person.


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