A story to end...

The last story to end this sem...

I, Richane Grace C. Javison from grade 12 of St. Francis of Assisi end this first semester that has started with a laugh and joy to treasure every moment. As I enter the first step to start the new beginning of my life, thinking if this semester can be easy for me or what? As a senior high student, I experienced a lot of difficulties in my studies. For passing a lot of requirements but this is just a beginning and it has to end the half first now. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting  Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor 

The difficulties and challenges that I experienced are the things that I should treasure because of those experiences I became more stronger to face it. 

The joy and laughter I experienced with my friends and classmates are the things hard to forget. The person behind my happiness in whole semester are those person taught me that I should enjoy life and made me experienced the things I didn't experienced before.

I met the unexpected person that now a part of my life...

I want to say thank you to our very pretty adviser Bb. Crisma Joy Mondano because of you ma'am you always feel to us that we are the person that shouldn't mess up with everyone. You always support and motivate us that we are special than anyone. THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH MA'AM! You're always has a space in OUR heart. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor   

For my St. Francis of Assisi Family. 

Guys, I am always thankful that I am part of this family. Not perfect but so perfect in love that help one another. To our mayor Khryss, thank you for all the encouraging words and very responsible to us. Together fam, PAPASA TAYO AT GA-GRADUATE TAYO NG SABAY-SABAY!!

Image may contain: 1 person    Image may contain: 2 people, flower and close-up End this story with you...

My parents are my motivation and inspiration to fight all this challenges. My parents always taught me that this things I experienced is just normal for a student. My parents told me that I should be strong and fight not just for them but also to myself. My parents taught me that no matter what happens they are always there to support, guide and love me.

and to our almighty and loving God, I want to say thank you to him for everything. Every time I just want to give-up it's like he's telling me not to. He never fail me. He is always there to guide and protect me. Every time I ask his help he is there to feel me that I am not alone in this journey.

I am tired. I am always tired of everything. But they made me strong..

Made me to fight...

Made me to stand-up...

and now this story needs to end now and start for a new journey to come...


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