Things Women Always Want to Hear

When it comes to relationships, language is everything. Just as soon as the wrong phrase can set your lover off, a perfectly worded sentence can also unlock her heart. 

“I Love You."
Easy, right? “This is probably one of the least said and the most-wanted grouping of words women want to hear regularly,” says Christine Baumgartner.

     "You know what I love about you?"

“Women love specifics,”  Rebecca Burton, a licensed marriage and family therapist. “We know  you love us, but why? A little extra thought can make sweet nothings into sweet somethings.”

“You Look Amazing.”

Simple, but effective. Women want to hear that they are beautiful.

“We’re In This Together.”

Women like to hear that you’re committed. Of course, this only works if it’s actually true. “Most women want to hear your commitment to them because that creates security,” explains Wyatt Fisher, Psy.D,


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