Girls versus Boys


For Girls I think 'One decade later' is more accurate. Girl fights are absolutely ruthless. Girl fights are not nearly as civil and restrained as you've depicted. There's a bond between females when they've shared the same dick. True story. For guys, fighting is a respectful way to resolve issues, because afterwards they shake hands and go get some pizza or some shit. For girls, they hate each other for years and years afterwards. Not just ordinary hate, shit's like 'I will slowly cut off your limbs' kind of hate.

You've probably heard that having a strong male influence is important in a young boy's life, but it's equally important for daughters to have one as well. A positive father-daughter relationship can have a huge impact on a young girl's life and even determine whether or not she develops into a strong, confident woman. A father's influence in his daughter's life shapes her self-esteem, self-image, confidence and opinions of men.
For girls, their father are so protective to them. They treat their daughter as a princess that should no one dare to hurt their precious daughter. A dad  must really know about to their daughters suitors or boy friend. While in a guy share to their father that he has a girlfriend there is no other relationship quite like that which can and should exist between a boy and his dad. It can be one of the most nurturing, joyful relationships in life, one that can have a profound impact on who boys become and also on who dads become. 

Friendships, in turn, prove their preciousness with time. When we graduate from high school, college and are scattered around the globe, our best friends are the ones who stick.
Time and distance are irrelevant. But another thing happens as we mature; people change. Not fundamentally in their cores, but people do change, and so friendships change, too.When it comes to your best friends, this process of growth can be frustrating and even sad. 

Girls don't enjoy talking dirty as much as guys do. Girls hate it when guys say perverted things. 

                                 Girls are moody and the mood swings like a step function around.

We all know that guys and girls are two never ending phase of human race. It’s not less than wonder how these two live and love together even after so much differences, and this is one of the most beautiful‚ paradoxes of human life.

Fun Fact #1. Girls are descriptive while boys are not. 

Fun Fact #2. When boys insults each other they don’t really mean it, and when girls compliment each other, they don’t really mean it either.

Fun Fact #3. Girls love cats, and boys also say the same but when girls are not looking, they kick the cat.

Fun Fact #4. A guy has 5 items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, towel, and a soap while in girl’s, you can find thousand of items and funny thing is that boys won’t recognize even half of them.

Not So Fun Fact #5. In every girl’s life there is a boy she’ll never forget and in each boy’s life there is a girl he can never get.





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